(BOOK REVIEW) How To Look Hot In A Minivan By Janice Min (DOLLAR BOOK)

So sorry, It felt like ive been taking forever trying to put this blog book review out.

I went into Dollar Tree getting me a few things (more than a few things lol) and it never fail when i walk pass the novels there are some dollar books out there. you would be surprised what treasures you will find. So i see this big pink book and i grab it and it is called “How To Look Hot In A Minivan” By Janice Min. Janice Min was the Editor in Chief of Us Weekly Magazine in 2003. I read the introduction as my son running around playing with three plungers. i hope i spelled it right. In this book is talks about she was before she was pregnant and in the introduction and on how her body change and what she have learned from celebrities. So as the first chapter goes. It explain how you body changes and what it is going through. As the you go through the book it reveals on how to get rid of the baby weight and how the celebrities do it. celebrities share how they dealt with their pregnancy and how the baby weight just don’t fall off. This book also give tips on your skin, how to take care of it. How to eat healthy and correctly not the these famous fab celebrities do. Explain how you do your make up and hair, also the workouts you can do to work the weight off an become the hot mom you can be.I give this book a 2 thumbs up. So as you see i bought the book it only cost  a dollar. I have bought another book for a dollar i will tell you guys at the end of this blog. I went online to see how much this book really cost and i seen 20 dollars and 6 dollars and 16 dollars. But i bought it for a DOLLAR!! I’m also advising that you go to your closest dollar tree and there are some books you would be surprise that are there.

Ok the second book i got is by Jennifer Hudson it is called “I Got This, How I changed My Ways And Lost What Weighed Me Down”  I will start this book tonight or tomorrow morning. I’m encouraging the women that read this to find books that are inspiring. If you like you can comment in the comment box and tell me what book your reading and ill find it and give it a review. i will be giving this book a review when im done with it.



ok i have this thing that i want to start something, it has to be on Monday it weird. So yesterday i went to my apartment building gym for 40 mins of cardio and afterwards I sat in the lobby and I said to myself…… like i need a therapist. So i went online and found me a therapist. I was nervous when i made the appointment. I had a previous memory in my head of when i was younger and i told my mom we need to get counseling to talk things out. The response i got was that we don’t go to a therapist. We keep things to ourselves and don’t share with anyone. Well, I got older and I tried to “deal with my own problems.” The thing is I’m a talker. I love to talk things out or what is on my mind. So the older i got the more i would just tell anyone my business. The sad thing was i listening to what everybody had to say and in all reality no one cared what i was going through.

I have this thing of crying things out. i try to be this super no sensitive black woman. ima tell you know. It does not work for all black women. i seen this saying on facebook and i was like this is exactly me, it said. “My skin is tough it’s my soul that is sensitive.” that hit me right on top of my head. I’m tough through a lot of situations it is just my soul that be hurting. You see when peopl.e on the streets criticize me im fine because they don’t know me. But when someone close does it. It hurt like you put me on fire. Call me sensitive and that is fine. I’m a sensitive thug. LOL!!

Now being older. I have restrict myself on who i talk to. Even the people i was selectively talking too still don’t care. So i told myself im getting a therapist. I want to be able to speak to someone who is able to properly get real feed back and give you good advice on how to take on life. I wanted to share this with you guys because you never know who is going through what you going through or worst. That is one of my many  million of reasons of why i started this blog of my life. Don’t be afraid to get help. I don’t care who you are. get help.

Now my first appointment is in two weeks and i will keep you guys updated on how it is going.


Wants, Desires, Dreams and Goals (I NEED TO GET WITH IT)

I think everyone has dreams and goals but the question is can you seperate the two? Over the years i have not been able to. In all reality i have not been able to stick to a goal have not went through with it. i have many and i mean many dreams but you say put it as a goal. I’m a lost duck in the water.

I have alot of dreams. I dream of having atleast a 300,000 to 500,000 thousand dollar home. In a gated community and my kids in a good school system doing sports or what ever they want. My dream car is a Lincoln Navigator up to date. I dream of having a Coffee Shop and a body and bath shop and to be able to take my kids on out of country vactions at least 1time a year.

My wants and desires are just simple. i want to have a good communication relationship with my love. i want to be a marathon runner. i want to be able to work at home and not work for nobody else. I want a better car now. I want my emotions in tack. well, i guess i lied when i said they are simple i have alot wants and desires.

Having the kids has mos def got me off my game of working on me because I’ve been working on the kids. I go to stores and look at my bestfriend and other women like damn…..ya got it together. these women are able to accomplish goals an make them dreams and have kids too. So what the HELL is my problem? i gotta get back to finding a balance lifestyle.

Now here is the damn challenge i have a problem with and that is goal setting. If you ask me to set a goal it is almost like asking me to cook without looking the whole time. Im going to fail. It is not easy for me at all. i can write a goal down but to stick to it. It’s hard. Some people would hear this and say, “You have no motivation.” That might be the case. Also a way i  think, that is going to have to change. In all reality i have fear. Fear is my worst emeny. Being young and growing up, my mom did not finish things she was doing or she would have me in some type of club or group and i had to leave it because of money or she just didnt have the time. So you may think that i can overcome that. It is not as easy as you think. Another big thing is support. I don’t have much support. Being back at home you would think that i would have the support system on lock. Nope, think AGAIN. I have my love who supports me and my kids that gives me the energy of what I need to do but once again it is not easy. I need to train my mind in a better way of thinking and when you been thinking like the same way for so long. It is a bad habit to break. But since I’ve put myself out on blast i will start to think postive. since i air out that part of my life laundry now i can say, “I THINK I CAN.” LOL like the train that your teacher read to you in 1991. ok i was in the first grade but yea. so as you read this keep me in your prayers so i can be as positive and productive to my goals and dreams. right here i will make a short term goal list of what i need to do and a long term list.  You (the reader) will be with me every step of the way. this is going to be a hell of a ride. Here we go!



  • lose 20lbs
  • start jogging a mile to a point and back
  • read a book all the way this month
  • keep the home in order everyday
  • keep up with dirty clothes within the week
  • get aleast one me time day once a month
  • begin to meditate for atleast 5mins
  • working out for 3 days out the week
  • getting togather the cost of getting my bath and body business started
  • picking up something to keep my brain going
  • potty train my son in 30 days (this is going to be fun)
  • spend quality time with my love


  • get down to 200lbs by the time my daughter is turning one
  • to become a runner and getting prepared for a marathon
  • reading 2 books within a month
  • keep the house entirely cleaned
  • continue to achieve one day out of the month for a spa day
  • work toward getting my meditation instructor lisence
  • work towards becoming a personal trainer.
  • run my own bath and body business smoothly
  • fully learn a new language and start on another diffrent language


  • being 180 to 160lbs by the time im 30
  • run at least 1 marothon before im 30
  • continue reading books
  • have my meditation and personal trainer license
  • running my bath and body business smootly
  • know and learn at least 2 to 3 laugange and travel the world

First Step On Making A Changes (Forgive And Not Forget but Learn From It)

I don’t know if this is a qoute but it popped up in my head ” Yesterday is dead, like dead people. You can’t bring it back.” Once this came up in my head. It gave me a calm security of my life and the past. I’ve heard many quotes and saying that should help get over the past or let things go did’nt work for me. I also think that you have to be mentally prepared to let things go. saying and doing it is something totally diffrent I know. For years i would say I was over what has happen to me in the past and in reality i would not forgive myself and i did not learn either only because of the pain i was feeling. I would not let it go. I think it is ok to remember that feeling but to not let it run your entire life. I know someone right now that is close that has let their past run their entire life. I mean the way the look, act, talk to people it is terrible. This person think the world owes them something. Also that brings me to say this. The world owes you nothing. No one owes you nothing. I hate when people think that way. I think it is a negative way of thinking. We will talk about negative thinking in another blog.

I have told myself that im over what I’ve been through. Not only am i doing this for myself but im doing this for my family, my daughter and my son. If I continue this negative way of thinking. My kids will see it and think that is the way of thinking. The reason i know this is because i was that kid that seen that way of thinking all my life. I thought it was normal but now this has affected me so bad. It has had me ruin many relationships down the line with not forgiving myself and when people did things to me it was not easy to for me to forgive them. I held it against them, holding it over their head. It is the time now to change it, I think before I turned 30 and this is my first step forgiving myself and not forgetting but learning from the past.

Intro to the Mistro!!! Hello and Welcome!!

Hello and thank you for stopping by to read this.

                          My name is Chardi Hazly. I’m 28 going to be 29 this September. I have two beautiful children. My oldest is 3 going to be 4 in August. His name is Artist. He was recently diagnosed with Autism. My second baby is 5 months going to be 6 months in a week or so, her name is Paris. Both of my children is joy to my life. I have a love in my life which is my high school sweet heart. His name is Albert. Our little family live in Mentor,Ohio. Well later as the days come and go you will hear more on my family. I would like to share on why im making this blog. I have attempt to make another blog and I just have not touch it since I made the first post. that’s not a good outlook. I’m a stay at home mom and for so many times I have tried to do something in my life, like go to school but it has not been successful. Daycare are no good for my son because of his condition and extended family help when they want to. (which is never). I traveled to a few states and two years ago I was living in Arizona but came back on the behalf of our family. Don’t know why but hey you can’t pick your family. Anyway this blog life im trying to start will help me on my weight-loss journey and my life. Sometimes ive always felt that i never had a grip on my life since I had my kids. It almost seem ive gotten depress from having my kids and trying to do things. But once I sat back I was thinking what the hell was going on with my brain. I realize that it goes way back to when I was young. The mind-set I have is the I was trained on growing up. lack of self-confidence and no mental strength. A few weeks ago I was telling my self that ill be 30 with a year and I need to get my self together mentally and physically. I want to change the way I think and be way more positive in my life. That’s why I named this blog Ladyday Grip On Life. I want who ever follows me see what I go through on a day-to-day or a week to week basis. Watch me grow and to share that other people can do it to. I want to be an inspiration to other women in life. So this is just the beginning. It would be nice if you come on this journey with me. Thank you for Reading.