Intro to the Mistro!!! Hello and Welcome!!

Hello and thank you for stopping by to read this.

                          My name is Chardi Hazly. I’m 28 going to be 29 this September. I have two beautiful children. My oldest is 3 going to be 4 in August. His name is Artist. He was recently diagnosed with Autism. My second baby is 5 months going to be 6 months in a week or so, her name is Paris. Both of my children is joy to my life. I have a love in my life which is my high school sweet heart. His name is Albert. Our little family live in Mentor,Ohio. Well later as the days come and go you will hear more on my family. I would like to share on why im making this blog. I have attempt to make another blog and I just have not touch it since I made the first post. that’s not a good outlook. I’m a stay at home mom and for so many times I have tried to do something in my life, like go to school but it has not been successful. Daycare are no good for my son because of his condition and extended family help when they want to. (which is never). I traveled to a few states and two years ago I was living in Arizona but came back on the behalf of our family. Don’t know why but hey you can’t pick your family. Anyway this blog life im trying to start will help me on my weight-loss journey and my life. Sometimes ive always felt that i never had a grip on my life since I had my kids. It almost seem ive gotten depress from having my kids and trying to do things. But once I sat back I was thinking what the hell was going on with my brain. I realize that it goes way back to when I was young. The mind-set I have is the I was trained on growing up. lack of self-confidence and no mental strength. A few weeks ago I was telling my self that ill be 30 with a year and I need to get my self together mentally and physically. I want to change the way I think and be way more positive in my life. That’s why I named this blog Ladyday Grip On Life. I want who ever follows me see what I go through on a day-to-day or a week to week basis. Watch me grow and to share that other people can do it to. I want to be an inspiration to other women in life. So this is just the beginning. It would be nice if you come on this journey with me. Thank you for Reading.