(BOOK REVIEW) How To Look Hot In A Minivan By Janice Min (DOLLAR BOOK)

So sorry, It felt like ive been taking forever trying to put this blog book review out.

I went into Dollar Tree getting me a few things (more than a few things lol) and it never fail when i walk pass the novels there are some dollar books out there. you would be surprised what treasures you will find. So i see this big pink book and i grab it and it is called “How To Look Hot In A Minivan” By Janice Min. Janice Min was the Editor in Chief of Us Weekly Magazine in 2003. I read the introduction as my son running around playing with three plungers. i hope i spelled it right. In this book is talks about she was before she was pregnant and in the introduction and on how her body change and what she have learned from celebrities. So as the first chapter goes. It explain how you body changes and what it is going through. As the you go through the book it reveals on how to get rid of the baby weight and how the celebrities do it. celebrities share how they dealt with their pregnancy and how the baby weight just don’t fall off. This book also give tips on your skin, how to take care of it. How to eat healthy and correctly not the these famous fab celebrities do. Explain how you do your make up and hair, also the workouts you can do to work the weight off an become the hot mom you can be.I give this book a 2 thumbs up. So as you see i bought the book it only cost  a dollar. I have bought another book for a dollar i will tell you guys at the end of this blog. I went online to see how much this book really cost and i seen 20 dollars and 6 dollars and 16 dollars. But i bought it for a DOLLAR!! I’m also advising that you go to your closest dollar tree and there are some books you would be surprise that are there.

Ok the second book i got is by Jennifer Hudson it is called “I Got This, How I changed My Ways And Lost What Weighed Me Down”  I will start this book tonight or tomorrow morning. I’m encouraging the women that read this to find books that are inspiring. If you like you can comment in the comment box and tell me what book your reading and ill find it and give it a review. i will be giving this book a review when im done with it.